Become the next NRW scaleup

Become part of our world-class scaleup community! Batch #4 is starting in March 2025. All information about the program and the application criteria can be found in our FAQs.

Application Criteria

Marketable product &
convinced customers

Your product is already on the market and is used by a significant number of customers. You are not (anymore) in a pure project business, but have an ongoing product business.

Exceptional &
diverse team

The most important positions in your team are filled and the skill set complements each other perfectly. In addition, your startup has at least 15 employees.

Necessary growth capital available

Your startup has sufficient growth capital through completed financing (≥1 million €) and own sales (≥0.5 million € per year).

Ambition for scaling, internationalization

Your startup based in NRW (UG, AG, GmbH, GmbH & Co.KG) not only has the potential and motivation to scale quickly, but also the ambition to internationalize.

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Du hast Fragen?

Du bist dir nicht sicher, ob das Programm zu dir passt? Du hast weitere Fragen? Schau gerne in unsere FAQs oder melde dich direkt bei unserem Scale-up-Team.

Lara Dierichsweiler

Senior Scale-up Managerin

Christopher Smolka

Senior Scale-up Manager